

Microsoft Windows XP SP3
Microsoft Windows XP SP2
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 SP2



Windows中默认提供了帮助和支持中心以访问在线文档,可通过hcp://形式的URL直接访问帮助文档。在通过注册的协议处理器调用hcp:// URL时,会向帮助中心应用传送命令行参数/fromhcp,这个标记将帮助中心切换到受限制的模式,仅允许白名单中的帮助文档和参数。但这个白名单实现并不安全,可能被绕过。


.text:0106684C Unescape:
.text:0106684C cmp di, ‘%’ ; di contains the current wchar in the input URL.
.text:01066850 jnz short LiteralChar ; if this is not a ‘%’, it must be a literal character.
.text:01066852 push esi ; esi contains a pointer to the current position in URL to unescape.
.text:01066853 call ds:wcslen ; find the remaining length.
.text:01066859 cmp word ptr [esi], ‘u’ ; if the next wchar is ‘u’, this is a unicode escape and I need 4 xdigits.
.text:0106685D pop ecx ; this sequence calculates the number of wchars needed (4 or 2).
.text:0106685E setz cl ; i.e. %uXXXX (four needed), or %XX (two needed).
.text:01066861 mov dl, cl
.text:01066863 neg dl
.text:01066865 sbb edx, edx
.text:01066867 and edx, 3
.text:0106686A inc edx
.text:0106686B inc edx
.text:0106686C cmp eax, edx ; test if I have enough characters in input to decode.
.text:0106686E jl short LiteralChar ; if not enough, this ‘%’ is considered literal.
.text:01066870 test cl, cl
.text:01066872 movzx eax, word ptr [esi+2]
.text:01066876 push eax
.text:01066877 jz short NotUnicode
.text:01066879 call HexToNum ; call MPC::HexToNum() to convert this nibble (4 bits) to an integer.
.text:0106687E mov edi, eax ; edi contains the running total of the value of this escape sequence.
.text:01066880 movzx eax, word ptr [esi+4]
.text:01066884 push eax
.text:01066885 shl edi, 4 ; shift edi left 4 positions to make room for the next digit, i.e. total <<= 4;
.text:01066888 call HexToNum
.text:0106688D or edi, eax ; or the next value into the 4-bit gap, i.e. total |= val.
.text:0106688F movzx eax, word ptr [esi+6]; this process continues for the remaining wchars.
.text:01066893 push eax
.text:01066894 shl edi, 4
.text:01066897 call HexToNum
.text:0106689C or edi, eax
.text:0106689E movzx eax, word ptr [esi+8]
.text:010668A2 push eax
.text:010668A3 shl edi, 4
.text:010668A6 call HexToNum
.text:010668AB or edi, eax
.text:010668AD add esi, 0Ah ; account for number of bytes (not chars) consumed by the escape.
.text:010668B0 jmp short FinishedEscape
.text:010668B2 NotUnicode:
.text:010668B2 call HexToNum ; this is the same code, but for non-unicode sequences (e.g. %41, instead of %u0041)
.text:010668B7 mov edi, eax
.text:010668B9 movzx eax, word ptr [esi]
.text:010668BC push eax
.text:010668BD call HexToNum
.text:010668C2 shl eax, 4
.text:010668C5 or edi, eax
.text:010668C7 add esi, 4 ; account for number of bytes (not chars) consumed by the escape.
.text:010668CA FinishedEscape:
.text:010668CA test di, di
.text:010668CD jz short loc_10668DA
.text:010668CF LiteralChar:
.text:010668CF push edi ; append the final value to the normalised string using a std::string append.
.text:010668D0 mov ecx, [ebp+unescaped]
.text:010668D3 push 1
.text:010668D5 call std::string::append
.text:010668DA mov di, [esi] ; fetch the next input character.
.text:010668DD test di, di ; have we reached the NUL terminator?
.text:010668E0 jnz Unescape ; process next char.


.text:0102D32A mov edi, edi
.text:0102D32C push ebp
.text:0102D32D mov ebp, esp ; function prologue.
.text:0102D32F mov eax, [ebp+arg_0] ; fetch the character to convert.
.text:0102D332 cmp eax, ‘0’
.text:0102D335 jl short CheckUppercase ; is it a digit?
.text:0102D337 cmp eax, ‘9’
.text:0102D33A jg short CheckUppercase
.text:0102D33C add eax, 0FFFFFFD0h ; atoi(), probably written val – ‘0’ and optimised by compiler.
.text:0102D33F jmp short Complete
.text:0102D341 CheckUppercase:
.text:0102D341 cmp eax, ‘A’
.text:0102D344 jl short CheckLowercase ; is it an uppercase xdigit?
.text:0102D346 cmp eax, ‘F’
.text:0102D349 jg short CheckLowercase
.text:0102D34B add eax, 0FFFFFFC9h ; atoi()
.text:0102D34E jmp short Complete
.text:0102D350 CheckLowercase:
.text:0102D350 cmp eax, ‘a’
.text:0102D353 jl short Invalid ; lowercase xdigit?
.text:0102D355 cmp eax, ‘f’
.text:0102D358 jg short Invalid
.text:0102D35A add eax, 0FFFFFFA9h ; atoi()
.text:0102D35D jmp short Complete
.text:0102D35F Invalid:
.text:0102D35F or eax, 0FFFFFFFFh ; invalid character, return -1
.text:0102D362 Complete:
.text:0102D362 pop ebp
.text:0102D363 retn 4


攻击者可以通过使用特制的hcp:// URL打开sysinfomain.htm帮助文档时的输入验证错误来利用这个漏洞执行任意命令。

<*来源:Tavis Ormandy (







* 暂时去除HCP协议的注册

  reg export HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\HCP hcp_backup.reg
  reg delete HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\HCP /f




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